As a church, we seek to do the things that Jesus did and we believe that Jesus had many qualities that drew people to him.

Jesus was inclusive, inviting everyone around Him to share life with Him and learn from Him.
We too want to invite those around us, those in our community, those who come to our groups, those who are our neighbours, our friends and work colleagues. We should be looking to be inviting everyone in to our church family, a church that walks with Jesus at the centre of all we do.

Jesus always looked to build up those following him so they could become the people God wanted them to be
We too want to build a family and community as God’s people. This is a challenge of course because this means different things to different people but we are unpacking this as a church together to try and work out what it means to be a family.

We believed that Jesus saw his own life as as a life that put others first in service.
We too therefore should be serving one another, serving the hurting and serving the lost. When we are honestly following Jesus we will be outward looking, serving one another and those outside the church physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We believe that God is asking us all to become more like Jesus.
In becoming more like Him we will see many of the other aspects of the vision taking place. If we become more like Jesus we are going to become more inviting, more able to look to build one another up as community and family and we will want to serve one another. Equally as we do the inviting, as we do the building and as we do the serving we will also be becoming more like Jesus.
We would like to invite you to join us on that journey.