The Recovery Course is open to anyone struggling with any sort of addiction or any compulsive behaviour, including drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, gambling and self-harming.
The Recovery Course is a good starter for those completely new to recovery as well as those who have been in recovery for years, but who would like to take a fresh look at the steps from a Christian perspective.
The course runs once a week for 16 weeks.
Food, talk and conversation – A typical evening starts at 7pm for food, which is then followed by a 15/20-minute talk and then discussion in single-sex small groups for around an hour.
Each week there is some simple ‘Coursework’ that helps each participant to explore each of the 12 steps in a deeper way. Nobody has to do the ‘Coursework’, but it’s fair to say that the guests who throw themselves into this are the ones who profit the most. The Coursework is entirely for the guest’s benefit and no one else gets to see it; it is completely private.
The evening ends at 9.30pm.